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On this Series
In this React rendering series, we will cover the following
React rendering basics
React rendering optimization
React rendering state
On this Post
In this React rendering post, we are going to see the following
Context API
Context Optimization
React-Redux optimization
1. Context API
React’s Context API provides a way to pass data through the component tree without using props, but should not be used for state management as it requires manual updating. Any component inside a context’s Provider can access the data in the context instance using a Consumer component or, for function components only, the **useContext**
When a new reference is passed to a context Provider it will cause any connected components to update. React will look for any components consuming the context in the component tree and update them to reflect the change in the context’s value. Passing a new object to a context Provider is essentially a new reference, as the context holds a single value.
2. Context Optimization
By default, any update to a parent component that renders a context Provider will cause all of the child components to re-render regardless of changes in the context, due to React’s rendering process. To avoid re-rendering child components when a parent changes, memoization can be used, which will cause React to skip the whole subtree of a skipped component.
When the context is updated, React additionally checks for components consuming the context down the subtree. This allows context-consuming components under a memoized parent that does not re-render to consume the updated context and render as necessary. After a context-consuming component re-renders, React will keep on recursively rendering its child components as usual.
Oftentimes, it’s a good idea to memorize the component immediately under a context Provider. That way updates to the parent component will not cause a re-render for the whole subtree, but only the components that consume the context.
3. React Redux
React-Redux provides bindings for Redux, a state container for JavaScript applications, and works a little differently from React’s Context API. One of the key differences is that React-Redux only re-renders components that need to render, due to the fact that components subscribed to the Redux store read the latest store state, diff the values, and force re-render only if the relevant data has changed, while React is not involved at all in the subscription callback process.
React-Redux always executes its mapStateToProps and useSelector functions for every connected component in the tree whenever the store state is updated. These calculations are usually less expensive than React’s rendering, but if there are costly calculations performed or new references returned when they shouldn’t, it might become problematic.
4. React-Redux optimization
React-Redux provides two ways of connecting to its store, performing the necessary work, and returning the combined props
connect (any component):
**Higher-order component**
(HOC) that wraps any given componentuseSelector (function components): Hook called inside function components
connect acts a lot like memoizing a React component (i.e. using React.PureComponent or React.memo()), updating the wrapped component only when the combined props have changed. This means that passing new references from the parent or the passed functions will still cause a re-render.
Components wrapped with connecting usually read smaller pieces of data from the store state and are less likely to re-render due to that, and usually affect fewer components down their tree.
useSelector has no way of stopping a component from rendering when its parent component renders. When exclusively using useSelector, larger parts of the component tree will re-render due to Redux store updates than they would with connect, since there aren’t other components using connect to prevent them from doing so. You can use React.memo() as necessary, to optimize this behaviour by preventing unnecessary re-rendering.
And that’s the end of this series will see a new interesting craft. Till then Happy Learning :)